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Achieving Desired Images While Avoiding Undesired Images: Exploring the Roles of Self-Monitoring in Impression Management
Appeals to image and claims about quality: Understanding the psychology of Advertising
Breaking the Silence: The Moderating Effects of Self-Monitoring in Predicting Speaking Up in the Workplace
Choosing social situations: Two investigations of self-monitoring processes
Do chameleons get ahead: The effects of self-monitoring on managerial careers
Effects of Self- Monitoring: Likability and Argument Strength on Persuasion
Helping: The Influence of Anticipated Social Sanctions and Self-Monitoring
Image Congruence Effects on Product Evaluations: The Role of Self-Monitoring and Public-Private Consumption
Interaction between self-monitoring and manipulated states of self-awareness
Introduction to the special section on self-monitoring: A major assessment method in clinical psychology
Moderating Influence of Self-Monitoring and Gender on Responses to Humorous Advertising
Nonverbal display of emotion in public and in private: Self-monitoring personality and expressive cues
On the effects of product name on product evaluation: An individual difference perspective
On the nature of self-monitoring: Matters of assessment, matters of validity
Prejudice on the stage-Self-monitoring and the public expression of group attitudes
Priming a New Identity: Self-Monitoring Moderates the Effects of Nonself Primes on Self-Judgments and Behavior
Revision of the Self-Monitoring Scale.
Self - Monitoring Personality at Work: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Construct Validity
Self-monitoring Personality at Work Revisited: A Comparative Meta-analysis
Self-Monitoring and Close Relationships
Self–Monitoring and Consumer Behavior
Self-Monitoring and Consumer Psychology
Self-Monitoring: Appraisal and Reappraisal
Self-Monitoring as a Moderating Variable in Consumer Behavior
Self-Monitoring at Work: A Motive-Based Perspective
Self-Monitoring in Social Interaction: The Centrality of Self-Affect
Self-Monitoring: Individual Differences in Orientations to the Social World
Self-monitoring of expressive behavior
The effects of self-monitoring and familiarity on deception detection
The impact of cognitive complexity and self-monitoring on leadership emergence
The Influence of Friends on Consumer Spending: The Role of Agency-Communion Orientation and Self-Monitoring
The less I trust the less I contribute (or not) The effects of trust accountability and self-monitoring in social dilemmas
Web Site Design Self-Monitoring Style and Consumer Preference