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An examination of self-perception mediation of the foot-in-the-door effect
Blood donation and the foot-in-the-door technique: A limiting case
Comparison of three inducement techniques to improve compliance in a health survey conducted by telephone (FITD - Low Ball)
Compliance Employing a Combined Foot-in-the-Door and Door-in-the-Face Procedure
Compliance employing a two-feet-in-the-door procedure
Compliance without pressure: The foot-in-the-door technique
Does self-perception change explain the foot-in-the-door effect?
Effects of initial request size and timing of a second request on compliance: The foot in the door and the door in the face.
Foot-In-The-Door Application in Organization: How Employees Could Be More Effective
Foot-in-the-door technique and computer-mediated communication
Foot-in-the-door technique using a courtship request: A field experiment 1
Fund-raising on the web: The effect of an electronic foot-in-the-door on donation
Getting a Foot in the Door: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Cause-related Marketing
Interpersonal Touch, Social Labeling, and the Foot-in-the-door Effect
Is it a game? Evidence for social influence in the virtual world
Mindlessness Revisited: Sequential Request Techniques Foster Compliance by Draining Self-Control Resources
Positioning and the Foot in the Door Social Influence Technique
Self Concept Clarity and the Foot in the Door Procedure
Sequential-Request Persuasive Strategies: Meta-Analysis of Foot-in-the-Door and Door-in-the-Face
Social Labeling and the Foot-in-the-Door Effect
Testing the Effectiveness of Alternative Foot in the Door manipulations
The Combined Effect of the Foot-in-the-Door Technique and the But you are free of technique: An Evaluation on the Selective Sorting of Household Wastes
The effectiveness of compliance techniques: Foot in the door versus door in th face
The Effects of Monetary Incentives and Labeling on the Foot in the Door Effect: Evidence for a self-Perception Process
The Foot-in-the-Door Compliance Procedure: A Multiple-Process Analysis and Review
To comply or not comply: Testing the self-perception explanation of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon
When Manipulation Backfires: The Effects of Time Delay and Requester on the Foot in the Door Technique
When Saying Yes Leads to Saying No: Preference for Consistency and the Reverse Foot in the Doo Effect