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A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Christopher Lyle Johnstone
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Clifford G. Christians
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Josina M. Makau
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Julia T. Wood
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Kenneth E. Andersen
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Michael J. Hyde.
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Richard L. Johannesen
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Ronald C. Arnett
A Conversation about Communication Ethics with Sharon L. Bracci
A Quantitative Examination of Ethical Dilemmas in Public Relations
An Introduction to Ethics : Moral Philosophy
Better Mousetrap? Of Emerson Ethics and Postmillennium Persuasion
Cheating in College and the Workplace An examination of engineering undergraduates’ethical behavior
Communicating Ethically: Analyzing Principals of Ethical Communication
Communication Ethics: The Dialogic Turn
Communication Ethics
Communication in the Unfettered Marketplace: Ethical Interrelationships of Business Government and Stakeholders
Ethical Communications: Spinning the Truth
Ethical Issues of Information Technology
Ethical Thought in Public Relations History: Seeking a Relevant Perspective
Interpersonal Communication Ethics
Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
Introduction to Ethical Studies: An Open Source Reader
Perspectives on Ethics in Persuasion
Philosophy Meets the Social Sciences: The Nature of Humanity in the Public Arena
Public Relations Ethics: Contrasting Models from the Rhetorics of Plato, Aristotle and Isocrates
Responding To Propaganda: An Ethical Enterprise
Semantics and Ethics of Propaganda
The Ethics of Spin
The TARES Test: Five Principles for Ethical Persuasion
The ubiquity of deception and the ethics of deceptive research
Toward a Professional Responsibility Theory of Public Relations Ethics
Using Deception Ethically: Practical Research Guidelines for Researchers and Reviewers
What a Tangled Web We Weave: Ethical and Legal Implications of Deception in Recruitment