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A comparison of methods for the analysis of event-related potentials in deception detection
A Few Can Catch A Liar
A new theoretical perspective on deception detection: On the psychology of instrumental mind-reading
A Primer For Deception Analysis: Psychological Operations Target Audience Analysis
Accuracy in Detecting Truths and Lies: Documenting the Veracity Effect
Accuracy of Deception Judgments
A Lingua Franca Of Facial Expressions
All Emotions Are Basic
American-Japanese Differences in Multiscalar Intensity Ratings of Universal Facial Expressions of Emotions
An Approach for Intent Identification by Building on Deception Detection
An Argument for Basic Emotions
An Exploratory Study on Promising Cues in Deception Detection and Application of Decision Tree
Analyzing Nonverbal Behavior
Are There Basic Emotions?
Assessment Criteria Indicative of Deception (ACID): An integrated system of investigative interviewing and detecting deception
Automating Linguistics-Based cues for detecting deception in Text-Based asynchronous computer-Mediated communications
Basic Emotions
Become versed in reading faces
Behavioral Markers and Recognizability of the Smile of Enjoyment
Beliefs About Cues to Deception: Mindless Stereotypes or Untapped Wisdom
Beliefs of Forensic Investigators Regarding Bi- and Uni-directional Behavior Analysis
Blob Analysis of the Head and Hands: A Method for Deception Detection
Body movement and voice pitch in deceptive interaction
“Can You Remember What Was in Your Pocket When You Were Stung By a Bee?” Eliciting Cues to Deception by Asking the Unanticipated
Classifying Facial Action
Communicative body movements: American Emblems
Comparing the Handwriting Behaviours of True and False Writing with Computerized Handwriting Measures
Constants Across Cultures In The Face And Emotion
Content in Context Improves Deception Detection Accuracy
Criminal identity deception and deception detection in law enforcement
Cues to Deception
Darwin the detective : Behavioural consequences of high-stakes emotional deception
Deceiver's distrust: Denigration as a consequence of undiscovered deception
Deception detection: Effects of conversational involvement and probing
Deception Detection Accuracy is a Predictable Liner Function of Message Veracity Base-Rate : A formal Test of Park and Levine’s Probability Model
Deception detection expertise
Deception detection: Psychologists try to learn how to spot a liar
Deception Detection Techniques for Rapid Screening
Deception, lying, and demeanor
Detecting Deceit via Analyses of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior in Children and Adults
Detecting Deceit via Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior
Detecting deception: Adversarial problem solving in a low base-rate world
Detecting deception by manipulating cognitive load
Detecting deception from the body or face
Detecting Deception Using Critical Segments
Detecting Deception
Detecting infrequent deception
Detecting true lies: Police officers ability to detect suspect’s lies
Detecting Deception From The Body Or Face
Does Participation Affect Deception Success: A Test of the Interactivity Principle
Duchenne And Facial Expression Of Emotion
Effects of self-monitoring and familiarity on deception detection
Emotional And Conversational Nonverbal Signals
Face and tone of voice in the communication of deception
Facial Expression and Emotion
Facial Expression of Emotion Chapter 15
Facial Expressions Chapter 16
Facial expressions of emotion: New findings, new questions
Felt False And Miserable Smiles
Female deception detection as a function of commitment and self-awareness
Fishy Looking Liars: Deception Judgment From Expectancy Violation
Getting into the Minds of Pairs of Liars and Truth Tellers: An Examination of Their Strategies
Hazards In Detecting Deceit
Hemispheric asymmetry and deception detection
He’s guilty: Investigator Bias in Judgments of Truth and Deception
How people really detect lies
How to detect deception: Arresting the beliefs of police officers, prosecutors and judges
Human behavior and deception detection
I’d Know a False Confession if I Saw One: A Comparative Study of College Students and Police Investigators
I’m Innocent: Effects of Training on Judgments of Truth and Deception in the Interrogation Room
Imaging Facial Physiology for the Detection of Deceit
Imprisoned knowledge: Criminals' beliefs about deception
(In)accuracy at Detecting True and False Confessions and Denials: An Initial Test of a Projected Motive Model of Veracity Judgments
Increasing cognitive load to facilitate lie detection: The benefit of recalling an event in reverse order
Increasing Deception Detection Accuracy with Strategic Questioning
Indirect Detection of Deception-Looking for Change
Individual Differences in Judging Deception- Accuracy and Bias
Insight into behavior displayed during deception
Interpersonal deception: iii. Effects of deceit on perceived communication and nonverbal behavior dynamics
Interpersonal Deception Theory of Buller & Burgoon - A First Look at Communication
Interpersonal deception: v. Accuracy in deception detection
Interrogating to detect deception and truth: Effects of strategic use of evidence
Introduction: Expression of Emotion
Lie Detection And Language Comprehension
Lie experts' beliefs about nonverbal indicators of deception
Lies That Fail
Looking Through the Eyes of an Accurate Lie Detector
Lying And Deception
Lying and nonverbal behavior: Theoretical issues and new findings
Lying in Everyday Life
Lying words: Predicting deception from linguistic styles
Magistrates' beliefs concerning verbal and non-verbal behaviours as indicators of deception
Me, myself, and lie: The role of self-awareness in deception
Measuring Facial Expressions By Computer Image Analysis
Mistakes when deceiving
Moderators of nonverbal indicators of deception: A meta-analytic Synthesis
Moods Emotions And Traits
My right I: Deception detection and hemispheric differences in self-awareness
Nonverbal communication and deception: Differences in deception cues due to gender and communicator dominance.
Nonverbal leakage and clues to deception
Not All Smiles Are Created Equal: The Differences Between enjoyment and nonenjoyment smiles
On being happy and gullible: Mood effects on skepticism and the detection of deception
On lie detection Wizards
On Lying and Being Lied To: A Linguistic Analysis of Deception in Computer-Mediated Communication
On Making a Virtue Out of Telling Lies
On the Psychology of Self-Deception
Outsmarting the liar: Toward a cognitive lie detection approach
Pan-Cultural Elements in Facial Displays of Emotions
Physiological Effects Of The Smile
Processes underlying deception: An empirical analysis of truth and lies when manipulating the stakes
Professional Liars
Psychophysiological Detection of Deception
Reading others
Self-deception as the root of political failure
Should We Call It Expression or Communication
Smiles when lying
Some effects of deception and level of self-monitoring on planning and reacting to a self-presentation
Spotting Lies: Can Humans Learn to Do Better
Strong Evidence For Universal In Facial Expression: A Reply to Russells Mistaken Critique
Telling lies: Clues to deceit in the marketplace, politics, and marriage
Telling lies
Testing the Effects of Nonverbal Behavior Training on Accuracy in Deception Detection with the Inclusion of a Bogus Training Control Group
The Ability To Detect Deceit Generalizes Across Different Types of High Stake Lies
The accuracy-confidence correlation in the detection of deception
The Duchenne Smile: Emotional Expression and Brain Physiology II
The Dynamic Nature of Deceptive Verbal Communication
The effect of cognitive load on deception - Dissertation
The effectiveness of honesty and deceit as influence tactics
The Emotional Brain Fear and the Amygdala
The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals
The Face Never Lies - Ekman Interview Transcripts
The illusion of transparency: Biased assessments of others' ability to read one's emotional states
The impact of deception and suspicion on different hand movements.
The Psychology of Human Deception
The Repertoire Of Nonverbal Behavior Categories Origins Usage and Coding
The role of psychophysiology in forensic assessments: Deception detection, ERPs and virtual reality mock crime scenarios
The ubiquity of deception and the ethics of deceptive research
To Catch a Liar: Challenges for Research in Lie Detection Training
Truth and deception
Truth Lies and Videotape: An Investigation of the Ability of Federal Parole Officers to Detect Deception
Truth, Politics, and Self-Deception
Unicorns or Tiger Woods: Are lie detection experts myths or rarities? A response to “On lie detection Wizards” by Bond and Uysal
Universality of Emotional Expression? A personal History of The Dispute
Universals And Cultural Differences In Facial Expressions Of Emotion
Using Deception Ethically: Practical Research Guidelines for Researchers and Reviewers
What a Tangled Web We Weave: Ethical and Legal Implications of Deception in
What Every Body Is Saying
What is Your Body Language Saying?
Who Can Best Catch a Liar? A Meta-Analysis of Individual Differences in Detecting Deception
Who can catch a liar
Who killed my relative? Police officers' ability to detect real-life high-stake lies
Why Don't We Catch Liars
Why Lies Fail And What Behavior Betray A lie
Why professionals fail to catch liars and how they can improve