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A literature review of the anchoring effect
at anchoring effects: Basic anchoring and its antecedents
A Scale Distortion Theory of Anchoring
A tale of tuned decks? Anchoring as accessibility and anchoring as adjustment
An anchoring and adjustment model of purchase quantity decisions
Anchoring: accessibility as a cause of judgmental assimilation
Anchoring Effect
Anchoring Effects: Evidence from Art Auctions
Anchoring Effects on Consumers’ Willingness-to-Pay and Willingness-to-Accept
Anchoring unbound
Anchors aweigh: A demonstration of cross-modality anchoring and magnitude priming
Are adjustments insufficient
Assimilation and Contrast Effects of Anchoring Stimuli on Judgements
Big Raccoons and Small Giraffes: Anchoring in Sequential Judgments
Blind or Biased? Justitia’s Susceptibility to Anchoring Effects in the Courtroom Based on Given Numerical Representations
cognitive illusions in judicial decision making
Comparison-Induced Anchoring Effects
Comparison Processes in Social Judgment: Mechanisms and Consequences
considering the impossible: explainin the effects of implausible anchors
Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions
explaning the engmatic anchoring effect: mechanisms of selective accesibility
first offers as anchors: the role of perspective-taking and negotiator focus
Goals as Reference Points
Hypothesis-Consistent Testing and Semantic Priming in the Anchoring Paradigm: A Selective Accessibility Model
Incorporating the irrelevant: Anchors in judgments of belief and value
Increasing Contributions in Solicitation Campaigns: The Use of Large and Small Anchorpoints
Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
Moody experts - How mood and expertise influence judgmental anchoring
Numeric Judgments under Uncertainty: The Role of Knowledge in Anchoring
On the Perceived Value of Money: The Reference Dependence of Currency Numerosity Effects
Over coming the In ev i ta ble An choring Ef fect: Con sidering the Op po site Com pen sates for Se lec tive Ac ces si bil ity
Overconfidence in estimation: Testing the anchoring-and-adjustment hypothesis
Playing Dice With Criminal Sentences: The Influence of Irrelevant Anchors on Experts' Judicial Decision Making
Putting adjustment back in the anchoring and adjustment heuristic: Differential processing of self-generated and experimenter-provided anchors
Referendum contingent valuation, anchoring, and willingness to pay for public goods
Sadness and susceptibility to judgmental bias: The case of anchoring
Self-Assessments Produce Anchoring Effects in Promotion Decisions
Separating perceptual and linguistic effects of context shifts upon absolute judgments
Subliminal anchoring: Judgmental consequences and underlying mechanisms
Susceptibility to anchoring effects: How openness-to-experience influences responses to anchoring cues
The anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic : Why the adjustments are insufficient
The durability of anchoring effects
The fragile basic anchoring effect
The Influence of Irrelevant Anchors on the Judgments and Choices of Doctors and Patients
The Information-Anchoring Model of First Offers: When Moving First Helps Versus Hurts Negotiators
The Last Word in Court—A Hidden Disadvantage for the Defense
The Malleability of Anchoring Effects
The More You Ask for, the More You Get: Anchoring in Personal Injury Verdicts
the semantics of anchoring
The Use of Category and Exemplar Knowledge in the Solution of Anchoring Tasks
Toward a comparison-induced distortion theory of judgment and decision making
When Effortful Thinking Influences Judgmental Anchoring : Differential Effects of Forewarning and Incentives on Self-generated and Externally Provided Anchors