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Social Comparison
A theory of social comparison processes
Biases in social comparative judgments: The role of nonmotivated factors in above-average and comparative-optimism effects
Driven by Social Comparisons: How Feedback about Coworkers' Effort Influences Individual Productivity
From seeing to believing: Subliminal social comparisons affect implicit and explicit self-evaluation
Looking Back: Exploring the Psychology of Queuing and the Effect of the Number of People Behind
New Directions in Social Comparison Research
Seek and ye shall find: Antecedents of assimilation and contrast in social comparison
Social Comparison Activity Under Threat: Downward Evaluation and Upward Contacts
The Affective Consequences of Social Comparison: Either Direction Has Its Ups and Downs –1990
The Performance Versus Ability Distinction Following Social Comparison Feedback
The Ups and Downs of Social Comparison: Mechanisms of Assimilation and Contrast
Theory and research concerning social comparisons of personal attributes