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A Framework for Profile Similarity: Integrating Similarity - Integrating Similarity Normativeness and Distinctiveness
Are we together? Exploring the similarities between the concepts of transportation imagery model and presence and their possible impact on persuasion
Being Different Yet Feeling Similar: The Influence of Demographic Composition and Organizational Culture on Work Processes and Outcomes
Being liked is more than having a good personality: The role of matching
Better think before agreeing twice - Mere Agreement: a similarity-based persuasion mechanism
Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks
Consensus and modality in the attribution process: The role of similarity and information
Deflecting Reactance: The Role of Similarity in Increasing Compliance and Reducing Resistance
Does attitude similarity serve as a heuristic cue for kinship: Evidence of an implicit cognitive association
Effect on opinion change of similarity between the communicator and the audience he addressed
Embarrassment in Consumer Purchase: The Roles of Social Presence and Purchase Familiarity
Expect the unexpected: Failure to anticipate similarities leads to an intergroup forecasting error
Exposure Effects in Person Perception: Familiarity Similarity and Attraction
Facial Similarity between Voters and Candidates Causes Influence
Factors Relating to the Allocation of Medical Resources
Familiar eyes are smiling: On the role of familiarity in the perception of facial affect
Fast Similarities: Efficiency Advantages of Similarity-Focused Comparisons
Features of Similarity
Help on the Web: The Effect of The Same First name between Sender and the Receptor in a Request Made by Email
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Js: Implicit Egotism and Interpersonal Attraction
Implicit Egotism in Japan: Preference for first and family name initials
In the Eye of the Beholder: Perceived Actual and Peer-Rated Similarity in Personality Communication and Friendship Intensity During the Acquaintanceship Process
Incidental similarity between the salesperson and consumer: Effects on attitudes and purchase intentions
Incidental Similarity Facilitates Behavioral Mimicry
Inhibition of helping behavior by a similar or dissimilar nonreactive fellow bystander
Is positivity a cue or a response option: Warm glow vs. evaluative matching in the familiarity for attractive and not-so-attractive faces
Masked affective priming by name letters: Evidence for a Correspondence of Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem
Minimal conditions for the creation of a unit relationship: The social bond between birthdaymates
Moniker Maladies: When Names Sabotage Success
Name Letter Branding: Valence Transfers When Product Specific Needs Are Active
On the Nature of Implicit Self-Esteem: The Case of the Name Letter Effect
Opinion change and communicator-communicatee similarity and dissimilarity
Phonetic Similarity in Brand Name Innovation
Rejection as a consequence of perceived similarity
Similarity and assumed similarity in personality reports of well-acquainted persons
Similarity and Attractiveness in Social Perception: Differentiating Between Biases for the Self and the Beautiful
Similarity and Helping Behavior on the Web: The Impact of the Convergence of Surnames Between a Solicitor and a Subject in a Request Made by Email
Similarity and Social Interaction: When Similarity Fosters Implicit Behavior Toward a Stranger
Similarity in the influence process: The belief-value distinction
Similarity, convergence and relationship satisfaction in dating and married couples
Similarity and Social Interaction: When Similarity Fosters Implicit Behavior Toward a Stranger
Social Identity Similarity Effects on Interpersonal Evaluation
The impact of information from similar or different advisors on judgment
The persuasive role of incidental similarity on attitudes and purchase intentions in a sales context
The Warm Glow Heuristic: When Liking Leads to Familiarity
What a coincidence: The effects of incidental similarity on compliance
What is in a name? An effect of similarity in computer-mediated communication
What’s in a Name? Persuasion Perhaps
When do opposites attract: Interpersonal complementarity versus similarity
When the smile is a cue to familiarity
Why Susie sells seashells by the seashore: Implicit egotism and major life decisions
Young Adults Wishful Identification With Television Characters: The Role of Perceived Similarity and Character Attributes