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Organizational Communication / General
A strategic contingencies' theory of intraorganizational power
An integrative model of organizational trust: Past, present, and future
An integrative model of organizational trust
Critical Interpretive Research in Organizational Communication
Effects of ethnic group cultural differences on cooperative and competitive behavior on a group task
Effects of Leaders' Self-Sacrificial Behavior and Competency on Followers' Attribution of Charismatic Leadership among Americans and Koreans
Management Communication Quarterly – Book
Organizational Routines as a Source of Continuous Change
Personality, Organizational Culture, and Cooperation: Evidence from a Business Simulation
Postmodernism's Challenge to Organization Science: Self-Refuting, Self-Indulgent, or Good Medicine: An Editorial Essay
Positive Organizational Scholarship: A critical theory perspective
Postmodernism vs. Truth in Management Theory
Resistance and oppression as a self-contained opposite: An organizational communication analysis
Taking Science out of Organization Science: How Would Postmodernism Reconstruct the Analysis of Organizations
The Civil Society Sector : A Review of Critical Issues and Research Agenda for Organizational Communication Scholars
The problem of hegemony: Rereading Gramsci for organizational communication studies
The Relationship between Personality and Leadership Preferences
The Symphony: Organizational Discourse and the Symbolic Tensions Between Artistic and Business Ideologies
Theories of Communication Networks
What Happened on the way to Postmodern?