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Mere Exposure
Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure
Dissociating mere exposure and repetition priming as a function of word type
Does mere exposure enhance positive evaluation, independent of stimulus recognition?
A replication study in Japan and the US
Effects of Mere Exposure: A Comment
Effects of mere exposure on learning and affect
Mere exposure gateway to the subliminal
Subliminal Mere Exposure: Specific, General, and Diffuse Effects
Structural facilitation: Mere exposure effects for grammatical acceptability as evidence for syntactic priming in
The generalizability of subliminal mere exposure effects: Influence of Stimuli Perceived Without Awareness on Social Behavior
Mere Exposure: An Unmediated Process
The Mere Exposure Effect: An Uncertainty Reduction Explanation Revisited
The Mere Exposure Effect and Aesthetic Preference
The Role of Affect in the Mere Exposure Effect: Evidence from Psychophysiological and Individual Differences Approaches
The Subliminal Mere Exposure Effect Does not Generalize to Structurally Related Stimuli
When Can Affective Conditioning and Mere Exposure Directly Influence Brand Choice?
When mere exposure leads to less liking: The incremental threat effect in intergroup contexts