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Media Richness
Beyond media richness: An empirical test of media synchronicity theory
Channel expansion theory and the experiential nature of media richness perceptions
Examining the Scope of Channel Expansion: A Test of Channel Expansion Theory with New and Traditional Communication Media
Gender differences in the effects of media richness
Impact of media richness and flow on e-learning technology acceptance
Information richness: A new approach to managerial behavior and organization design
Media richness and Internet exploration: The effects of sound and navigation control on website evaluation
Media richness and internet exploration
Media richness or media naturalness: The evolution of our biological communication apparatus and its influence on our behavior toward e-communication tools
Media Richness Theory
Organizational information requirements, media richness and structural design
Rethinking media richness: Towards a theory of media synchronicity
Testing media richness theory in the new media: The effects of cues, feedback, and task equivocality
The poverty of media richness theory: explaining people's choice of electronic mail vs. voice mail