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Lost Letter Technique
A failure to validate the lost-letter technique
A validation of the lost-letter technique
Comment on a failure to validate the lost letter technique
Differences in lost letter and postal card returns from cities and smaller urban communities
Extensions of the lost letter technique to divisive issues of creationism, Darwinism, sex education, and gay and lesbian affiliations
Lost letter returns on five topics from urban, waterfront, and smaller rural communities
Measuring Gender Differences in Attitudes about Sensitive Social Issues:
Using a Variant of the Lost-Letter
Measuring Gender Differences in Attitudes Using the Lost-Letter Technique
Responses to lost letters about a 2000 general election amendment to abolish prohibition of interracial marriages in Alabama
The effects of altercasting and counterattitudal behavior on compliance: A lost letter technique investigation
The lost e-mail method: Milgram's lost-letter technique in the age of the Internet
The lost-letter technique: a tool of social research
The lost letter technique and the 1996 presidential election '
The viability of the lost letter technique