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An odds‐ratio‐based meta‐analysis of research on the door‐in‐the‐face influence strategy
Effects of a Guilt Induction and Guilt reduction on Door in the Face
Effects of initial request size and timing of a second request on compliance: The foot in the door and the door in the face
Effects of the door-in-the-face technique on restaurant customer’s behavior
Foot-in-the-Mouth Versus Door-in-the-Face Requests
Fund raising on the Web: The effect of an electronic Door-in-the-face technique on compliance to a request
Inducing compliance by a two-door-in-the-face procedure and a self-determination request
Is it a game: Evidence for social influence in the virtual world
Mindlessness Revisited: Sequential Request Techniques Foster Compliance by Draining Self-Control Resources
On implementing the door-in-the-face compliance technique in a business context
Reciprocal Concessions Procedure for Inducing Compliance: The Door in the Face Technique
Requester’s acceptance and non-acceptance of the refusal of the initial request: How to improve the door-in-the-face effect
Sequential Request Persuasive Strategies: Meta-Analysis of Foot-in-the-Door and Door-in-the-Face
The door-in-the-face influence strategy: A random-effects meta-analytic review
The Moderators and Mediators of Door-in-the-Face Requests: Is it a Negotiation or a Helping Experience
Three reasons for doubting the adequacy of the reciprocal-concessions explanation of door-in-the-face effects