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Compliance Gaining
Acts of Benevolence: A Limited‐Resource Account of Compliance with Charitable Requests
Compliance as a Function of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior
Compliance Gaining: A New Perspective Regarding Alternate Tactic Choice
Gaining Compliance through Non-Verbal Communication
Consequences for managers of using single influence tactics and combinations of tactics
Decomposing Influence Strategies: Argument Structure and Dependence as Determinants of the Effectiveness of Influence Strategies in Gaining Channel Member Compliance
Differential effects of majority and minority influence on argumentation strategies
Dimensions of compliance-gaining behavior: An empirical analysis
Do people use reverse psychology: An exploration of strategic self- anticonformity
Effects of Interest Arousal on Compliance With a Request for Help
Effects of public image concerns and self-image on compliance
Emotional seesaw compliance and mindlessness
Human behavior and the marketplace
Influence Strategies in Buying Centers
Influence Tactics and Work Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Persuasion in ambient intelligence
Reactance, Compliance, and Anticipated Regret
Rhetorical elicitation of agreement in persuasion
Say Please: The Effect of The Word “Please” In Compliance-Seeking Requests
Seeking and Resisting Compliance
Sequential Request Compliance Tactics - Chapter 12– 2004
Should persuasion be affective or cognitive? The moderating effects of need for affect and need for cognition
Simple ways to make friends
Social Influence: Social Norms Conformity and Compliance 1998
Social Influence: Compliance and Conformity - 2004
Straining the mental muscle: A resource depletion account of the effectiveness of social influence techniques
Subordinate Perceptions of Superior's Communication Competence and Task Attraction Related to Superior's Use of Compliance-Gaining Tactics
Tactics of Implementation
The Effectiveness of Honesty and Deceit as Influence Tactics
The effects of altercasting and counterattitudal behavior on compliance: A lost letter technique investigation
The Effects of Directness of Face to Face Requests and Sex of Solicitor on Street corner Donations
The Effects of Favor and Apology on Compliance
The science and practice of persuasion: From business owners to busboys, the ability to harness the power of persuasion is often an essential component of success in the hospitality industry
To command or to ask- Gender and effectiveness of tough vs soft compliance gaining strategies
Use of Closed Influence Tactics by Salespeople: Incidence and Buyer Attributions