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Assimilation and Contrast Effects in Social Comparison and Automatic Behavior- Or, How to Change Your IQ [R]
Better than better-than-average (or not)- Elevated and depressed self-evaluations following unfavorable social comparisons
Comparison Effects on Preference Construction
Comparison processes in social judgment- mechanisms and consequences
Direction of Comparison in Typicality Judgments
Norm theory: Comparing reality to its alternatives
Relatively certain! Comparative thinking reduces uncertainty
Relatively fast! Efficiency advantages of comparative thinking
Social comparison in negotiation – Chapter 10
The Effect of Direction of Comparison on the Selection of Casual Explanations
The Effect of the Focus of Comparison on Consumer Preferences
The Role of Direction of Comparison - Attribute-Based Processing and Attitude-Based Processing in Consumer Preference
Toward a comparison-induced distortion theory of judgment and decision making (2007)
What it means to be“better” The role of comparison language in social comparison (2009)