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Attention and Automaticity in the Processing of Self-Relevant Information
Automatic cognitive processes and nonverbal communication
Automatic Evaluation
Automatic Responses Target Resistance and the Adaptation of Compliance-Seeking Requests
Automaticity: A Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis
Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action
Beyond Behaviorism: On the Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes
Bypassing the Will: Toward Demystifying the Nonconscious Control of Social Behavior
Conditional Automaticity: Varieties of Automatic Influence in Social Perception and Cognition - 1989 Unintended Thought (chp. 1)
Control and automaticity in social life – Chapter 10
Habits as knowledge structures: automaticity in goal-directed behavior
Just Going Along: Nonconscious Priming and Conformity to Social Pressure
On the Relation between Associative Strength and Automatic Behavior
Social attitudes modulate automatic imitation
Studying the Mind in the Middle: A Practical Guide to Priming and Automaticity Research
The automated will: Nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals
The four horsemen of automaticity : awareness intention efficiency and control in social cognition - 1994 Handbook of Social Cognition
The Unbearable Automaticity of Being
The Unconscious Mind
Thinking of You: Nonconscious Pursuit of Interpersonal Goals Associated With Relationshi
Training and Stroop-Like Interference: Evidence for a Continuum of Automaticity
Unconscious Behavioral Guidance Systems
What's in a name- Implicit self-esteem and the automatic self